
pypi license

Current Version: v0.26.1

Job queues and RPC in python with asyncio and redis.

arq was conceived as a simple, modern and performant successor to rq.


In v0.16 arq was COMPLETELY REWRITTEN to use an entirely different approach to registering workers, enqueueing jobs and processing jobs. You will need to either keep using v0.15 or entirely rewrite your arq integration to use v0.16.

See here for old docs.

Why use arq?


arq is built using python 3’s asyncio allowing non-blocking job enqueuing and execution. Multiple jobs (potentially hundreds) can be run simultaneously using a pool of asyncio Tasks.


Deferred execution, easy retrying of jobs, and pessimistic execution (see below) means arq is great for critical jobs that must be completed.


Asyncio and no forking make arq around 7x faster than rq for short jobs with no io. With io that might increase to around 40x faster. (TODO)


I’m a long time contributor to and user of rq, arq is designed to be simpler, clearer and more powerful.


and easy to reason with - currently arq is only about 700 lines, that won’t change significantly.



pip install arq

Redesigned to be less elegant?

The approach used in arq v0.16 of enqueueing jobs by name rather than “just calling a function” and knowing it will be called on the worker (as used in arq <= v0.15, rq, celery et al.) might seem less elegant, but it’s for good reason.

This approach means your frontend (calling the worker) doesn’t need access to the worker code, meaning better code separation and possibly smaller images etc.



Jobs may be called more than once!

arq v0.16 has what I’m calling “pessimistic execution”: jobs aren’t removed from the queue until they’ve either succeeded or failed. If the worker shuts down, the job will be cancelled immediately and will remain in the queue to be run again when the worker starts up again (or run by another worker which is still running).

(This differs from other similar libraries like arq <= v0.15, rq, celery et al. where jobs generally don’t get rerun when a worker shuts down. This in turn requires complex logic to try and let jobs finish before shutting down (I wrote the HerokuWorker for rq), however this never really works unless either: all jobs take less than 6 seconds or your worker never shuts down when a job is running (impossible).)

All arq jobs should therefore be designed to cope with being called repeatedly if they’re cancelled, eg. use database transactions, idempotency keys or redis to mark when an API request or similar has succeeded to avoid making it twice.

In summary: sometimes exactly once can be hard or impossible, arq favours multiple times over zero times.

Simple Usage

import asyncio
from httpx import AsyncClient
from arq import create_pool
from arq.connections import RedisSettings

# Here you can configure the Redis connection.
# The default is to connect to localhost:6379, no password.
REDIS_SETTINGS = RedisSettings()

async def download_content(ctx, url):
    session: AsyncClient = ctx['session']
    response = await session.get(url)
    print(f'{url}: {response.text:.80}...')
    return len(response.text)

async def startup(ctx):
    ctx['session'] = AsyncClient()

async def shutdown(ctx):
    await ctx['session'].aclose()

async def main():
    redis = await create_pool(REDIS_SETTINGS)
    for url in ('', '', ''):
        await redis.enqueue_job('download_content', url)

# WorkerSettings defines the settings to use when creating the work,
# It's used by the arq CLI.
# redis_settings might be omitted here if using the default settings
# For a list of all available settings, see
class WorkerSettings:
    functions = [download_content]
    on_startup = startup
    on_shutdown = shutdown
    redis_settings = REDIS_SETTINGS

if __name__ == '__main__':

(This script is complete, it should run “as is” both to enqueue jobs and run them)

To enqueue the jobs, simply run the script:


To execute the jobs, either after running or before/during:

arq demo.WorkerSettings

Append --burst to stop the worker once all jobs have finished. See arq.worker.Worker for more available properties of WorkerSettings.

You can also watch for changes and reload the worker when the source changes:

arq demo.WorkerSettings --watch path/to/src

This requires watchfiles to be installed (pip install watchfiles).

For details on the arq CLI:

arq --help

Startup & Shutdown coroutines

The on_startup and on_shutdown coroutines are provided as a convenient way to run logic as the worker starts and finishes, see arq.worker.Worker.

For example, in the above example session is created once when the work starts up and is then used in subsequent jobs.

Deferring Jobs

By default, when a job is enqueued it will run as soon as possible (provided a worker is running). However you can schedule jobs to run in the future, either by a given duration (_defer_by) or at a particular time _defer_until, see arq.connections.ArqRedis.enqueue_job().

import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from arq import create_pool
from arq.connections import RedisSettings

async def the_task(ctx):
    print('this is the tasks, delay since enqueueing:', - ctx['enqueue_time'])

async def main():
    redis = await create_pool(RedisSettings())

    # deferred by 10 seconds
    await redis.enqueue_job('the_task', _defer_by=10)

    # deferred by 1 minute
    await redis.enqueue_job('the_task', _defer_by=timedelta(minutes=1))

    # deferred until jan 28th 2032, you'll be waiting a long time for this...
    await redis.enqueue_job('the_task', _defer_until=datetime(2032, 1, 28))

class WorkerSettings:
    functions = [the_task]

if __name__ == '__main__':

Job Uniqueness

Sometimes you want a job to only be run once at a time (eg. a backup) or once for a given parameter (eg. generating invoices for a particular company).

arq supports this via custom job ids, see arq.connections.ArqRedis.enqueue_job(). It guarantees that a job with a particular ID cannot be enqueued again until its execution has finished and its result has cleared. To control when a finished job’s result clears, you can use the keep_result setting on your worker, see arq.worker.func().

import asyncio

from arq import create_pool
from arq.connections import RedisSettings
from import Job

async def the_task(ctx):
    print('running the task with id', ctx['job_id'])

async def main():
    redis = await create_pool(RedisSettings())

    # no id, random id will be generated
    job1 = await redis.enqueue_job('the_task')
    >  <arq job 99edfef86ccf4145b2f64ee160fa3297>

    # random id again, again the job will be enqueued and a job will be returned
    job2 = await redis.enqueue_job('the_task')
    >  <arq job 7d2163c056e54b62a4d8404921094f05>

    # custom job id, job will be enqueued
    job3 = await redis.enqueue_job('the_task', _job_id='foobar')
    >  <arq job foobar>

    # same custom job id, job will not be enqueued and enqueue_job will return None
    job4 = await redis.enqueue_job('the_task', _job_id='foobar')
    >  None

    # you can retrieve jobs by using
    await redis.enqueue_job('the_task', _job_id='my_job')
    job5 = Job(job_id='my_job', redis=redis)
    <arq job my_job>

class WorkerSettings:
    functions = [the_task]

if __name__ == '__main__':

The check of job_id uniqueness in the queue is performed using a redis transaction so you can be certain jobs with the same id won’t be enqueued twice (or overwritten) even if they’re enqueued at exactly the same time.

Job Results

You can access job information, status and job results using the instance returned from arq.connections.ArqRedis.enqueue_job().

import asyncio

from arq import create_pool
from arq.connections import RedisSettings
# requires `pip install devtools`, used for pretty printing of job info
from devtools import debug

async def the_task(ctx):
    print('running the task')
    return 42

async def main():
    redis = await create_pool(RedisSettings())

    job = await redis.enqueue_job('the_task')

    # get the job's id
    >  68362958a244465b9be909db4b7b5ab4 (or whatever)

    # get information about the job, will include results if the job has finished, but
    # doesn't await the job's result
    >   docs/examples/ main
        enqueue_time=datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 23, 13, 58, 56, 781000),
    ) (JobDef)

    # get the Job's status
    print(await job.status())
    >  JobStatus.queued

    # poll redis for the job result, if the job raised an exception,
    # it will be raised here
    # (You'll need the worker running at the same time to get a result here)
    print(await job.result(timeout=5))
    >  42

class WorkerSettings:
    functions = [the_task]

if __name__ == '__main__':

Retrying jobs and cancellation

As described above, when an arq worker shuts down, any ongoing jobs are cancelled immediately (via vanilla task.cancel(), so a CancelledError will be raised). You can see this by running a slow job (eg. add await asyncio.sleep(5)) and hitting Ctrl+C once it’s started.

You’ll get something like.

➤  arq slow_job.WorkerSettings
12:42:38: Starting worker for 1 functions: the_task
12:42:38: redis_version=4.0.9 mem_usage=904.50K clients_connected=4 db_keys=3
12:42:38:  10.23s → c3dd4acc171541b9ac10b1d791750cde:the_task() delayed=10.23s
^C12:42:40: shutdown on SIGINT ◆ 0 jobs complete ◆ 0 failed ◆ 0 retries ◆ 1 ongoing to cancel
12:42:40:   1.16s ↻ c3dd4acc171541b9ac10b1d791750cde:the_task cancelled, will be run again

➤  arq slow_job.WorkerSettings
12:42:50: Starting worker for 1 functions: the_task
12:42:50: redis_version=4.0.9 mem_usage=904.61K clients_connected=4 db_keys=4
12:42:50:  21.78s → c3dd4acc171541b9ac10b1d791750cde:the_task() try=2 delayed=21.78s
12:42:55:   5.00s ← c3dd4acc171541b9ac10b1d791750cde:the_task ●
^C12:42:57: shutdown on SIGINT ◆ 1 jobs complete ◆ 0 failed ◆ 0 retries ◆ 0 ongoing to cancel

You can also retry jobs by raising the arq.worker.Retry exception from within a job, optionally with a duration to defer rerunning the jobs by:

import asyncio
from httpx import AsyncClient
from arq import create_pool, Retry
from arq.connections import RedisSettings

async def download_content(ctx, url):
    session: AsyncClient = ctx['session']
    response = await session.get(url)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        # retry the job with increasing back-off
        # delays will be 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s
        # after max_tries (default 5) the job will permanently fail
        raise Retry(defer=ctx['job_try'] * 5)
    return len(response.text)

async def startup(ctx):
    ctx['session'] = AsyncClient()

async def shutdown(ctx):
    await ctx['session'].aclose()

async def main():
    redis = await create_pool(RedisSettings())
    await redis.enqueue_job('download_content', '')

class WorkerSettings:
    functions = [download_content]
    on_startup = startup
    on_shutdown = shutdown

if __name__ == '__main__':

To abort a job, call arq.job.Job.abort(). (Note for the arq.job.Job.abort() method to have any effect, you need to set allow_abort_jobs to True on the worker, this is for performance reason. allow_abort_jobs=True may become the default in future)

arq.job.Job.abort() will abort a job if it’s already running or prevent it being run if it’s currently in the queue.

import asyncio
from arq import create_pool
from arq.connections import RedisSettings

async def do_stuff(ctx):
    print('doing stuff...')
    await asyncio.sleep(10)
    return 'stuff done'

async def main():
    redis = await create_pool(RedisSettings())
    job = await redis.enqueue_job('do_stuff')
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    await job.abort()

class WorkerSettings:
    functions = [do_stuff]
    allow_abort_jobs = True

if __name__ == '__main__':

Health checks

arq will automatically record some info about its current state in redis every health_check_interval seconds. That key/value will expire after health_check_interval + 1 seconds so you can be sure if the variable exists arq is alive and kicking (technically you can be sure it was alive and kicking health_check_interval seconds ago).

You can run a health check with the CLI (assuming you’re using the first example above):

arq --check demo.WorkerSettings

The command will output the value of the health check if found; then exit 0 if the key was found and 1 if it was not.

A health check value takes the following form:

Mar-01 17:41:22 j_complete=0 j_failed=0 j_retried=0 j_ongoing=0 queued=0

Where the items have the following meaning:

  • j_complete the number of jobs completed

  • j_failed the number of jobs which have failed eg. raised an exception

  • j_ongoing the number of jobs currently being performed

  • j_retried the number of jobs retries run

Cron Jobs

Functions can be scheduled to be run periodically at specific times. See arq.cron.cron().

from arq import cron

async def run_regularly(ctx):
    print('run foo job at 9.12am, 12.12pm and 6.12pm')

class WorkerSettings:
    cron_jobs = [
        cron(run_regularly, hour={9, 12, 18}, minute=12)

Usage roughly shadows cron except None is equivalent on * in crontab. As per the example sets can be used to run at multiple of the given unit.

Note that second defaults to 0 so you don’t in inadvertently run jobs every second and microsecond defaults to 123456 so you don’t inadvertently run jobs every microsecond and so arq avoids enqueuing jobs at the top of a second when the world is generally slightly busier.

Synchronous Jobs

Functions that can block the loop for extended periods should be run in an executor like concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor or concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor using loop.run_in_executor as shown below.

import time
import functools
import asyncio
from concurrent import futures

def sync_task(t):
    return time.sleep(t)

async def the_task(ctx, t):
    blocking = functools.partial(sync_task, t)
    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    return await loop.run_in_executor(ctx['pool'], blocking)

async def startup(ctx):
    ctx['pool'] = futures.ProcessPoolExecutor()

class WorkerSettings:
    functions = [the_task]
    on_startup = startup

Custom job serializers

By default, arq will use the built-in pickle module to serialize and deserialize jobs. If you wish to use an alternative serialization methods, you can do so by specifying them when creating the connection pool and the worker settings. A serializer function takes a Python object and returns a binary representation encoded in a bytes object. A deserializer function, on the other hand, creates Python objects out of a bytes sequence.


It is essential that the serialization functions used by arq.connections.create_pool() and arq.worker.Worker are the same, otherwise jobs created by the former cannot be executed by the latter. This also applies when you update your serialization functions: you need to ensure that your new functions are backward compatible with the old jobs, or that there are no jobs with the older serialization scheme in the queue.

Here is an example with MsgPack, an efficient binary serialization format that may enable significant memory improvements over pickle:

import asyncio

import msgpack  # installable with "pip install msgpack"

from arq import create_pool
from arq.connections import RedisSettings

async def the_task(ctx):
    return 42

async def main():
    redis = await create_pool(
        job_deserializer=lambda b: msgpack.unpackb(b, raw=False),
    await redis.enqueue_job('the_task')

class WorkerSettings:
    functions = [the_task]
    job_serializer = msgpack.packb
    # refer to MsgPack's documentation as to why raw=False is required
    job_deserializer = lambda b: msgpack.unpackb(b, raw=False)

if __name__ == '__main__':


class arq.connections.RedisSettings(host: Union[str, List[Tuple[str, int]]] = 'localhost', port: int = 6379, unix_socket_path: Optional[str] = None, database: int = 0, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ssl: bool = False, ssl_keyfile: Optional[str] = None, ssl_certfile: Optional[str] = None, ssl_cert_reqs: str = 'required', ssl_ca_certs: Optional[str] = None, ssl_ca_data: Optional[str] = None, ssl_check_hostname: bool = False, conn_timeout: int = 1, conn_retries: int = 5, conn_retry_delay: int = 1, max_connections: Optional[int] = None, sentinel: bool = False, sentinel_master: str = 'mymaster', retry_on_timeout: bool = False, retry_on_error: Optional[List[Exception]] = None, retry: Optional[Retry] = None)[source]

No-Op class used to hold redis connection redis_settings.

Used by arq.connections.create_pool() and arq.worker.Worker.

class arq.connections.ArqRedis(pool_or_conn: Optional[ConnectionPool] = None, job_serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], bytes]] = None, job_deserializer: Optional[Callable[[bytes], Dict[str, Any]]] = None, default_queue_name: str = 'arq:queue', expires_extra_ms: int = 86400000, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Thin subclass of redis.asyncio.Redis which adds arq.connections.enqueue_job().

  • redis_settings – an instance of arq.connections.RedisSettings.

  • job_serializer – a function that serializes Python objects to bytes, defaults to pickle.dumps

  • job_deserializer – a function that deserializes bytes into Python objects, defaults to pickle.loads

  • default_queue_name – the default queue name to use, defaults to arq.queue.

  • expires_extra_ms – the default length of time from when a job is expected to start after which the job expires, defaults to 1 day in ms.

  • kwargs – keyword arguments directly passed to redis.asyncio.Redis.

Initialize a new Redis client. To specify a retry policy for specific errors, first set retry_on_error to a list of the error/s to retry on, then set retry to a valid Retry object. To retry on TimeoutError, retry_on_timeout can also be set to True.

async enqueue_job(function: str, *args: Any, _job_id: Optional[str] = None, _queue_name: Optional[str] = None, _defer_until: Optional[datetime] = None, _defer_by: Union[None, int, float, timedelta] = None, _expires: Union[None, int, float, timedelta] = None, _job_try: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) Optional[Job][source]

Enqueue a job.

  • function – Name of the function to call

  • args – args to pass to the function

  • _job_id – ID of the job, can be used to enforce job uniqueness

  • _queue_name – queue of the job, can be used to create job in different queue

  • _defer_until – datetime at which to run the job

  • _defer_by – duration to wait before running the job

  • _expires – do not start or retry a job after this duration; defaults to 24 hours plus deferring time, if any

  • _job_try – useful when re-enqueueing jobs within a job

  • kwargs – any keyword arguments to pass to the function

Returns: instance or None if a job with this ID already exists

async all_job_results() List[JobResult][source]

Get results for all jobs in redis.

async queued_jobs(*, queue_name: Optional[str] = None) List[JobDef][source]

Get information about queued, mostly useful when testing.

async arq.connections.create_pool(settings_: Optional[RedisSettings] = None, *, retry: int = 0, job_serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], bytes]] = None, job_deserializer: Optional[Callable[[bytes], Dict[str, Any]]] = None, default_queue_name: str = 'arq:queue', expires_extra_ms: int = 86400000) ArqRedis[source]

Create a new redis pool, retrying up to conn_retries times if the connection fails.

Returns a arq.connections.ArqRedis instance, thus allowing job enqueuing.

arq.worker.func(coroutine: Union[str, Function, WorkerCoroutine], *, name: Optional[str] = None, keep_result: Optional[SecondsTimedelta] = None, timeout: Optional[SecondsTimedelta] = None, keep_result_forever: Optional[bool] = None, max_tries: Optional[int] = None) Function[source]

Wrapper for a job function which lets you configure more settings.

  • coroutine – coroutine function to call, can be a string to import

  • name – name for function, if None, coroutine.__qualname__ is used

  • keep_result – duration to keep the result for, if 0 the result is not kept

  • keep_result_forever – whether to keep results forever, if None use Worker default, wins over keep_result

  • timeout – maximum time the job should take

  • max_tries – maximum number of tries allowed for the function, use 1 to prevent retrying

exception arq.worker.Retry(defer: Optional[SecondsTimedelta] = None)[source]

Special exception to retry the job (if max_retries hasn’t been reached).


defer – duration to wait before rerunning the job

class arq.worker.Worker(functions: Sequence[Union[Function, WorkerCoroutine]] = (), *, queue_name: Optional[str] = 'arq:queue', cron_jobs: Optional[Sequence[CronJob]] = None, redis_settings: Optional[RedisSettings] = None, redis_pool: Optional[ArqRedis] = None, burst: bool = False, on_startup: Optional[StartupShutdown] = None, on_shutdown: Optional[StartupShutdown] = None, on_job_start: Optional[StartupShutdown] = None, on_job_end: Optional[StartupShutdown] = None, after_job_end: Optional[StartupShutdown] = None, handle_signals: bool = True, job_completion_wait: int = 0, max_jobs: int = 10, job_timeout: SecondsTimedelta = 300, keep_result: SecondsTimedelta = 3600, keep_result_forever: bool = False, poll_delay: SecondsTimedelta = 0.5, queue_read_limit: Optional[int] = None, max_tries: int = 5, health_check_interval: SecondsTimedelta = 3600, health_check_key: Optional[str] = None, ctx: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None, retry_jobs: bool = True, allow_abort_jobs: bool = False, max_burst_jobs: int = -1, job_serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], bytes]] = None, job_deserializer: Optional[Callable[[bytes], Dict[str, Any]]] = None, expires_extra_ms: int = 86400000, timezone: Optional[timezone] = None, log_results: bool = True)[source]

Main class for running jobs.

  • functions – list of functions to register, can either be raw coroutine functions or the result of arq.worker.func().

  • queue_name – queue name to get jobs from

  • cron_jobs – list of cron jobs to run, use arq.cron.cron() to create them

  • redis_settings – settings for creating a redis connection

  • redis_pool – existing redis pool, generally None

  • burst – whether to stop the worker once all jobs have been run

  • on_startup – coroutine function to run at startup

  • on_shutdown – coroutine function to run at shutdown

  • on_job_start – coroutine function to run on job start

  • on_job_end – coroutine function to run on job end

  • after_job_end – coroutine function to run after job has ended and results have been recorded

  • handle_signals – default true, register signal handlers, set to false when running inside other async framework

  • job_completion_wait – time to wait before cancelling tasks after a signal. Useful together with terminationGracePeriodSeconds in kubernetes, when you want to make the pod complete jobs before shutting down. The worker will not pick new tasks while waiting for shut down.

  • max_jobs – maximum number of jobs to run at a time

  • job_timeout – default job timeout (max run time)

  • keep_result – default duration to keep job results for

  • keep_result_forever – whether to keep results forever

  • poll_delay – duration between polling the queue for new jobs

  • queue_read_limit – the maximum number of jobs to pull from the queue each time it’s polled. By default it equals max_jobs * 5, or 100; whichever is higher.

  • max_tries – default maximum number of times to retry a job

  • health_check_interval – how often to set the health check key

  • health_check_key – redis key under which health check is set

  • ctx – dictionary to hold extra user defined state

  • retry_jobs – whether to retry jobs on Retry or CancelledError or not

  • allow_abort_jobs – whether to abort jobs on a call to

  • max_burst_jobs – the maximum number of jobs to process in burst mode (disabled with negative values)

  • job_serializer – a function that serializes Python objects to bytes, defaults to pickle.dumps

  • job_deserializer – a function that deserializes bytes into Python objects, defaults to pickle.loads

  • expires_extra_ms – the default length of time from when a job is expected to start after which the job expires, defaults to 1 day in ms.

  • timezone – timezone used for evaluation of cron schedules, defaults to system timezone

  • log_results – when set to true (default) results for successful jobs will be logged

run() None[source]

Sync function to run the worker, finally closes worker connections.

async async_run() None[source]

Asynchronously run the worker, does not close connections. Useful when testing.

async run_check(retry_jobs: Optional[bool] = None, max_burst_jobs: Optional[int] = None) int[source]

Run arq.worker.Worker.async_run(), check for failed jobs and raise arq.worker.FailedJobs if any jobs have failed.


number of completed jobs

async start_jobs(job_ids: List[bytes]) None[source]

For each job id, get the job definition, check it’s not running and start it in a task

handle_sig_wait_for_completion(signum: Signals) None[source]

Alternative signal handler that allow tasks to complete within a given time before shutting down the worker. Time can be configured using wait_for_job_completion_on_signal_second. The worker will stop picking jobs when signal has been received.

arq.cron.cron(coroutine: Union[str, WorkerCoroutine], *, name: Optional[str] = None, month: Union[None, Set[int], int] = None, day: Union[None, Set[int], int] = None, weekday: Union[None, Set[int], int, Literal['mon', 'tues', 'wed', 'thurs', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']] = None, hour: Union[None, Set[int], int] = None, minute: Union[None, Set[int], int] = None, second: Union[None, Set[int], int] = 0, microsecond: int = 123456, run_at_startup: bool = False, unique: bool = True, job_id: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[Union[int, float, timedelta]] = None, keep_result: Optional[float] = 0, keep_result_forever: Optional[bool] = False, max_tries: Optional[int] = 1) CronJob[source]

Create a cron job, eg. it should be executed at specific times.

Workers will enqueue this job at or just after the set times. If unique is true (the default) the job will only be run once even if multiple workers are running.

  • coroutine – coroutine function to run

  • name – name of the job, if None, the name of the coroutine is used

  • month – month(s) to run the job on, 1 - 12

  • day – day(s) to run the job on, 1 - 31

  • weekday – week day(s) to run the job on, 0 - 6 or mon - sun

  • hour – hour(s) to run the job on, 0 - 23

  • minute – minute(s) to run the job on, 0 - 59

  • second – second(s) to run the job on, 0 - 59

  • microsecond – microsecond(s) to run the job on, defaults to 123456 as the world is busier at the top of a second, 0 - 1e6

  • run_at_startup – whether to run as worker starts

  • unique – whether the job should only be executed once at each time (useful if you have multiple workers)

  • job_id – ID of the job, can be used to enforce job uniqueness, spanning multiple cron schedules

  • timeout – job timeout

  • keep_result – how long to keep the result for

  • keep_result_forever – whether to keep results forever

  • max_tries – maximum number of tries for the job

class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Enum of job statuses.

deferred = 'deferred'

job is in the queue, time it should be run not yet reached

queued = 'queued'

job is in the queue, time it should run has been reached

in_progress = 'in_progress'

job is in progress

complete = 'complete'

job is complete, result is available

not_found = 'not_found'

job not found in any way

class str, redis: Redis[bytes], _queue_name: str = 'arq:queue', _deserializer: Optional[Callable[[bytes], Dict[str, Any]]] = None)[source]

Holds data a reference to a job.

async result(timeout: Optional[float] = None, *, poll_delay: float = 0.5, pole_delay: Optional[float] = None) Any[source]

Get the result of the job or, if the job raised an exception, reraise it.

This function waits for the result if it’s not yet available and the job is present in the queue. Otherwise ResultNotFound is raised.

  • timeout – maximum time to wait for the job result before raising TimeoutError, will wait forever

  • poll_delay – how often to poll redis for the job result

  • pole_delay – deprecated, use poll_delay instead

async info() Optional[JobDef][source]

All information on a job, including its result if it’s available, does not wait for the result.

async result_info() Optional[JobResult][source]

Information about the job result if available, does not wait for the result. Does not raise an exception even if the job raised one.

async status() JobStatus[source]

Status of the job.

async abort(*, timeout: Optional[float] = None, poll_delay: float = 0.5) bool[source]

Abort the job.

  • timeout – maximum time to wait for the job result before raising TimeoutError, will wait forever on None

  • poll_delay – how often to poll redis for the job result


True if the job aborted properly, False otherwise


v0.26.1 (2023-08-29)

  • Uses testcontainers to provide a redis instance for the unit tests by @chrisguidry in #470

  • Bump redis version from <5 to <6 by @Wh1isper in #460

  • Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 in /requirements by @dependabot in #444

  • Bump jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 in /requirements by @dependabot in #452

  • Bump requests from 2.31.0 to 2.32.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #461

  • Bump urllib3 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #464

  • Bump certifi from 2024.2.2 to 2024.7.4 in /requirements by @dependabot in #468

v0.26.0 (2023-05-01)

No changes since v0.26.0b1.

v0.26.0b1 (2023-04-01)

  • Prevent worker getting stuck in terminating state by @JonasKs in #370

  • Fix redis pipeline created and not used by @iamlikeme in #374

  • Bump certifi from 2022.6.15 to 2022.12.7 in /requirements by @dependabot in #373

  • Use instance’s default queue for queued_jobs default by @phy1729 in #368

  • Docs: Add details about reusing a unique job id by @ross-nordstrom in #391

  • Delete in #398

  • Adding a job counter to address Semaphore issues by @rm-21 in #408

  • docs: add documentation on how to retrieve running jobs by @JonasKs in #377

  • feat: add job_id to JobDef, closing #376 by @JonasKs in #378

  • chore: update dependencies, fixing tests by @JonasKs in #382

  • refactor: refactor all asserts into raise <exception>, close #371 by @JonasKs in #379

  • Fix: timezone info occasionally removed from cron job execution time by @iamlikeme in #383

  • 3.12 support, drop 3.7, uprev dependencies by @samuelcolvin in #439

  • Extend RedisSettings to include redis Retry Helper settings by @mernmic in #387

  • Allow to connect to Redis using a Unix socket URL… by @drygdryg in #392

  • Allow infinite retry by @vvmruder in #396

  • Allow max_connections to be set in RedisSettings by @danbox in #406

  • Improve RedisSettings explanation in by @RamonGiovane in #422

  • uprev to v0.26.0b1 by @samuelcolvin in #440

v0.25 (2022-12-02)

  • Allow to opt-out from logging results by @iamlikeme in #352

  • Add timezone support for cron jobs by @iamlikeme in #354

  • connections: fix pipeline usage for exists command by @utkarshgupta137 in #366

  • Fix race condition causing incorrect status not found by @iamlikeme in #362

  • Adds after_job_end hook by @AngellusMortis in #355

  • Raise ResultNotFound when Job.result() finds no job and no result by @iamlikeme in #364

  • use 3.11 for testing #367

  • Signal handler to wait for task completion before shutting down by @JonasKs in #345

v0.24 (2022-09-05)

  • Allow customisation of timezone in logs, #281

  • Add the username option to RedisSettings, #299

  • Change primary branch name to main, 40c8803

  • Add --custom-log-dict CLI option, #294

  • Fix error in case of pytz not being installed, #318

  • Support and test python 3.11, #327

  • Improve docs for parameter _expires in enqueue_job, #313

  • Fix redis ssl support, #323

  • Fix recursion while waiting for redis connection, #311

  • switch from watchgod to watchfiles, #332

  • Simplify dependencies, drop pydantic as a dependency., #334

  • Allow use of unix_socket_path in RedisSettings, #336

  • Allow user to configure a default job expiry-extra length, #303

  • Remove transaction around info command to support Redis 6.2.3, #338

  • Switch from to pyproject.toml, #341

  • Support abort for deferred jobs, #307

v0.23 (2022-08-23)

No changes from v0.23a1.

v0.23a1 (2022-03-09)

  • Fix jobs timeout by @kiriusm2 in #248

  • Update index.rst by @Kludex in #266

  • Improve some docs wording by @johtso in #285

  • fix error when cron jobs were terminanted by @tobymao in #273

  • add on_job_start and on_job_end hooks by @tobymao in #274

  • Update argument docstring definition by @sondrelg in #278

  • fix tests and uprev test dependencies, #288

  • Add link to WorkerSettings in documentation by @JonasKs in #279

  • Allow setting job_id on cron jobs by @JonasKs in #293

  • Fix docs typo by @johtso in #296

  • support aioredis v2 by @Yolley in #259

  • support python 3.10, #298

v0.22 (2021-09-02)

  • fix package importing in example, #261, thanks @cdpath

  • restrict aioredis to <2.0.0 (soon we’ll support aioredis>=2.0.0), #258, thanks @PaxPrz

  • auto setting version on release, 759fe03

v0.21 (2021-07-06)

  • CI improvements #243

  • fix log_redis_info #255

v0.20 (2021-04-26)

  • Added queue_name attribute to JobResult, #198

  • set job_deserializer, job_serializer and default_queue_name on worker pools to better supported nested jobs, #203, #215 and #218

  • All job results to be kept indefinitely, #205

  • refactor cron jobs to prevent duplicate jobs, #200

  • correctly handle CancelledError in python 3.8+, #213

  • allow jobs to be aborted, #212

  • depreciate pole_delay and use correct spelling poll_delay, #242

  • docs improvements, #207 and #232

v0.19.1 (2020-10-26)

  • fix timestamp issue in _defer_until without timezone offset, #182

  • add option to disable signal handler registration from running inside other frameworks, #183

  • add default_queue_name to create_redis_pool and ArqRedis, #191

  • Worker can retrieve the queue_name from the connection pool, if present

  • fix potential race condition when starting jobs, #194

  • support python 3.9 and pydantic 1.7, #214

v0.19.0 (2020-04-24)

  • Python 3.8 support, #178

  • fix concurrency with multiple workers, #180

  • full mypy coverage, #181

v0.18.4 (2019-12-19)

  • Add py.typed file to tell mypy the package has type hints, #163

  • Added ssl option to RedisSettings, #165

v0.18.3 (2019-11-13)

  • Include queue_name when for job object in response to enqueue_job, #160

v0.18.2 (2019-11-01)

  • Fix cron scheduling on a specific queue, by @dmvass and @Tinche

v0.18.1 (2019-10-28)

  • add support for Redis Sentinel fix #132

  • fix Worker.abort_job invalid expire time error, by @dmvass

v0.18 (2019-08-30)

  • fix usage of max_burst_jobs, improve coverage fix #152

  • stop lots of WatchVariableError errors in log, #153

v0.17.1 (2019-08-21)

  • deal better with failed job deserialization, #149 by @samuelcolvin

  • fix run_check(xmax_burst_jobs=...) when a jobs fails, #150 by @samuelcolvin

v0.17 (2019-08-11)

  • add worker.queue_read_limit, fix #141, by @rubik

  • custom serializers, eg. to use msgpack rather than pickle, #143 by @rubik

  • add ArqRedis.queued_jobs utility method for getting queued jobs while testing, fix #145 by @samuelcolvin

v0.16.1 (2019-08-02)

  • prevent duplicate job_id when job result exists, fix #137

  • add “don’t retry mode” via worker.retry_jobs = False, fix #139

  • add worker.max_burst_jobs

v0.16 (2019-07-30)

  • improved error when a job is aborted (eg. function not found)

v0.16.0b3 (2019-05-14)

  • fix semaphore on worker with many expired jobs

v0.16.0b2 (2019-05-14)

  • add support for different queues, #127 thanks @tsutsarin

v0.16.0b1 (2019-04-23)

  • use dicts for pickling not tuples, better handling of pickling errors, #123

v0.16.0a5 (2019-04-22)

  • use pipeline in enqueue_job

  • catch any error when pickling job result

  • add support for python 3.6

v0.16.0a4 (2019-03-15)

  • add Worker.run_check, fix #115

v0.16.0a3 (2019-03-12)

  • fix Worker with custom redis settings

v0.16.0a2 (2019-03-06)

  • add job_try argument to enqueue_job, #113

  • adding --watch mode to the worker (requires watchgod), #114

  • allow ctx when creating Worker

  • add all_job_results to ArqRedis

  • fix python path when starting worker

v0.16.0a1 (2019-03-05)

  • Breaking Change: COMPLETE REWRITE!!! see docs for details, #110

v0.15.0 (2018-11-15)

  • update dependencies

  • reconfigure Job, return a job instance when enqueuing tasks #93

  • tweaks to docs #106

v0.14.0 (2018-05-28)

  • package updates, particularly compatibility for msgpack 0.5.6

v0.13.0 (2017-11-27)

  • Breaking Change: integration with aioredis >= 1.0, basic usage hasn’t changed but look at aioredis’s migration docs for changes in redis API #76

v0.12.0 (2017-11-16)

  • better signal handling, support uvloop #73

  • drain pending tasks and drain task cancellation #74

  • add aiohttp and docker demo /demo #75

v0.11.0 (2017-08-25)

  • extract create_pool_lenient from RedixMixin

  • improve redis connection traceback

v0.10.4 (2017-08-22)

  • RedisSettings repr method

  • add create_connection_timeout to connection pool

v0.10.3 (2017-08-19)

  • fix bug with RedisMixin.get_redis_pool creating multiple queues

  • tweak drain logs

v0.10.2 (2017-08-17)

  • only save job on task in drain if re-enqueuing

  • add semaphore timeout to drains

  • add key count to log_redis_info

v0.10.1 (2017-08-16)

  • correct format of log_redis_info

v0.10.0 (2017-08-16)

  • log redis version when starting worker, fix #64

  • log “connection success” when connecting to redis after connection failures, fix #67

  • add job ids, for now they’re just used in logging, fix #53

v0.9.0 (2017-06-23)

  • allow set encoding in msgpack for jobs #49

  • cron tasks allowing scheduling of functions in the future #50

  • Breaking change: switch to_unix_ms to just return the timestamp int, add to_unix_ms_tz to return tz offset too

v0.8.1 (2017-06-05)

  • uprev setup requires

  • correct setup arguments

v0.8.0 (2017-06-05)

  • add async-timeout dependency

  • use async-timeout around shadow_factory

  • change logger name for control process log messages

  • use Semaphore rather than asyncio.wait(...return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for improved performance

  • improve log display

  • add timeout and retry logic to RedisMixin.create_redis_pool

v0.7.0 (2017-06-01)

  • implementing reusable Drain which takes tasks from a redis list and allows them to be execute asynchronously.

  • Drain uses python 3.6 async yield, therefore python 3.5 is no longer supported.

  • prevent repeated identical health check log messages

v0.6.1 (2017-05-06)

  • mypy at last passing, #30

  • adding trove classifiers, #29

v0.6.0 (2017-04-14)

  • add StopJob exception for cleaning ending jobs, #21

  • add flushdb to MockRedis, #23

  • allow configurable length job logging via log_curtail on Worker, #28

v0.5.2 (2017-02-25)

  • add shadow_kwargs method to BaseWorker to make customising actors easier.

v0.5.1 (2017-02-25)

  • reimplement worker reuse as it turned out to be useful in tests.

v0.5.0 (2017-02-20)

  • use gather rather than wait for startup and shutdown so exceptions propagate.

  • add --check option to confirm arq worker is running.

v0.4.1 (2017-02-11)

  • fix issue with Concurrent class binding with multiple actor instances.

v0.4.0 (2017-02-10)

  • improving naming of log handlers and formatters

  • upgrade numerous packages, nothing significant

  • add startup and shutdown methods to actors

  • switch @concurrent to return a Concurrent instance so the direct method is accessible via <func>.direct

v0.3.2 (2017-01-24)

  • improved solution for preventing new jobs starting when the worker is about to stop

  • switch SIGRTMIN > SIGUSR1 to work with mac

v0.3.1 (2017-01-20)

  • fix main process signal handling so the worker shuts down when just the main process receives a signal

  • re-enqueue un-started jobs popped from the queue if the worker is about to exit

v0.3.0 (2017-01-19)

  • rename settings class to RedisSettings and simplify significantly

v0.2.0 (2016-12-09)

  • add concurrency_enabled argument to aid in testing

  • fix conflict with unitest.mock

v0.1.0 (2016-12-06)

  • prevent logs disabling other logs

v0.0.6 (2016-08-14)

  • first proper release