Defines the ``Job`` class and descendants which deal with encoding and decoding job data.
import base64
import os
from datetime import datetime
import msgpack
from .utils import DEFAULT_CURTAIL, from_unix_ms, timestamp, to_unix_ms_tz, truncate
__all__ = ['JobSerialisationError', 'Job', 'DatetimeJob']
class ArqError(Exception):
class JobSerialisationError(ArqError):
def gen_random() -> str:
generate a lowercase alpha-numeric random string of length 24.
Should have more randomness for its size thank uuid
return base64.b32encode(os.urandom(10))[:16].decode().lower()
# "device control one" should be fairly unique as a dict key and only one byte
[docs]class Job:
Main Job class responsible for encoding and decoding jobs as they go
into and come out of redis.
__slots__ = 'id', 'queue', 'queued_at', 'class_name', 'func_name', 'args', 'kwargs', 'raw_queue', 'raw_data'
def __init__(self, *, class_name: str, func_name: str, args: tuple, kwargs: dict,
job_id: str=None, queue: str=None, raw_queue: str=None,
queued_at: int=0, raw_data: bytes=None) -> None:
Create a new job instance.
:param class_name: name (see :attr:`arq.main.Actor.name`) of the actor class where the job is defined
:param func_name: name of the function be called
:param args: arguments to pass to the function
:param kwargs: key word arguments to pass to the function
:param job_id: id to use for the job, leave blank to generate a uuid
self.class_name = class_name
self.func_name = func_name
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.id = self.generate_id(job_id)
self.queue = queue
self.raw_queue = raw_queue
self.queued_at = queued_at
self.raw_data = raw_data
[docs] @classmethod
def decode(cls, raw_data: bytes, *, queue_name: str=None, raw_queue: str=None) -> 'Job':
Create a job instance by decoding a job definition eg. from redis.
:param raw_data: data to decode, as created by :meth:`arq.jobs.Job.encode`
:param queue_name: name of the queue the job was dequeued from
:param raw_queue: raw name of the queue the job was taken from
queued_at, class_name, func_name, args, kwargs, job_id = cls.decode_raw(raw_data)
return cls(
queued_at=queued_at / 1000,
[docs] def encode(self):
Create a byte string suitable for pushing into redis which contains all
required information about a job to be performed.
:param job_id: id to use for the job, leave blank to generate a uuid
:param queued_at: time in ms unix time when the job was queue, if None now is used
:param class_name: name (see :attr:`arq.main.Actor.name`) of the actor class where the job is defined
:param func_name: name of the function be called
:param args: arguments to pass to the function
:param kwargs: key word arguments to pass to the function
self.queued_at = self.queued_at or int(timestamp() * 1000)
return self.encode_raw([self.queued_at, self.class_name, self.func_name, self.args, self.kwargs, self.id])
except TypeError as e:
raise JobSerialisationError(str(e)) from e
def generate_id(cls, given_id):
return given_id or gen_random()
[docs] @classmethod
def msgpack_encoder(cls, obj):
The default msgpack encoder, adds support for encoding sets.
if isinstance(obj, set):
return {DEVICE_CONTROL_ONE: list(obj)}
return obj
def msgpack_object_hook(cls, obj):
if len(obj) == 1 and DEVICE_CONTROL_ONE in obj:
return set(obj[DEVICE_CONTROL_ONE])
return obj
def encode_raw(cls, data) -> bytes:
return msgpack.packb(data, default=cls.msgpack_encoder, use_bin_type=True)
def decode_raw(cls, data: bytes):
return msgpack.unpackb(data, object_hook=cls.msgpack_object_hook, raw=False)
def to_string(self, args_curtail=DEFAULT_CURTAIL):
arguments = ''
if self.args:
arguments = ', '.join(map(str, self.args))
if self.kwargs:
if arguments:
arguments += ', '
arguments += ', '.join(f'{k}={v!r}' for k, v in sorted(self.kwargs.items()))
return '{s.id:.6} {s.class_name}.{s.func_name}({args})'.format(s=self, args=truncate(arguments, args_curtail))
def short_ref(self):
return '{s.id:.6} {s.class_name}.{s.func_name}'.format(s=self)
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string()
def __repr__(self):
return f'<Job {self} on {self.queue}>'
[docs]class DatetimeJob(Job):
Alternative Job which copes with datetimes. None timezone naïve dates are supported but
the returned datetimes will use a :mod:`datetime.timezone` class to define the timezone
regardless of the timezone class originally used on the datetime object (eg. ``pytz``).
[docs] @classmethod
def msgpack_encoder(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, datetime):
ts, tz = to_unix_ms_tz(obj)
result = {DEVICE_CONTROL_TWO: ts}
if tz is not None:
result[TIMEZONE] = tz
return result
return super().msgpack_encoder(obj)
def msgpack_object_hook(cls, obj):
if len(obj) <= 2 and DEVICE_CONTROL_TWO in obj:
return from_unix_ms(obj[DEVICE_CONTROL_TWO], utcoffset=obj.get(TIMEZONE))
return super().msgpack_object_hook(obj)