Source code for arq.worker


Responsible for executing jobs on the worker.
import asyncio
import logging
import os
import signal
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from importlib import import_module, reload
from multiprocessing import Process
from signal import Signals
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Type  # noqa

from async_timeout import timeout

from .drain import Drain
from .jobs import ArqError, Job
from .logs import default_log_config
from .main import Actor  # noqa
from .utils import RedisMixin, timestamp, truncate

__all__ = ['BaseWorker', 'RunWorkerProcess', 'StopJob', 'import_string']

work_logger = logging.getLogger('')
ctrl_logger = logging.getLogger('arq.control')
jobs_logger = logging.getLogger('')

class ImmediateExit(BaseException):

[docs]class StopJob(ArqError): def __init__(self, reason: str='', warning: bool=False) -> None: self.warning = warning super().__init__(reason)
# special signal sent by the main process in case the worker process hasn't received a signal (eg. SIGTERM or SIGINT) SIG_PROXY = signal.SIGUSR1
[docs]class BaseWorker(RedisMixin): """ Base class for Workers to inherit from. """ #: maximum number of jobs which can be execute at the same time by the event loop max_concurrent_tasks = 50 #: number of seconds after a termination signal (SIGINT or SIGTERM) is received to force quit the worker shutdown_delay = 6 #: default maximum duration of a job timeout_seconds = 60 #: shadow classes, a list of Actor classes for the Worker to run shadows = None #: number of seconds between calls to health_check health_check_interval = 60 health_check_key = b'arq:health-check' #: Mostly used in tests; if true actors and the redis pool will not be closed at the end of run() # allowing reuse of the worker, eg. ```` can be called multiple times. reusable = False #: Adjust the length at which arguments of concurrent functions and job results are curtailed # when logging job execution log_curtail = 80 #: Whether or not to skip log messages from health checks where nothing has changed repeat_health_check_logs = False drain_class = Drain _shadow_factory_timeout = 10 def __init__(self, *, burst: bool=False, shadows: list=None, queues: list=None, timeout_seconds: int=None, **kwargs) -> None: """ :param burst: if true the worker will close as soon as no new jobs are found in the queue lists :param shadows: list of :class:`arq.main.Actor` classes for the worker to run, overrides shadows already defined in the class definition :param queues: list of queue names for the worker to listen on, if None queues is taken from the shadows :param timeout_seconds: maximum duration of a job, after that the job will be cancelled by the event loop :param re_queue: Whether or not to re-queue jobs if the worker quits before the job has time to finish. :param kwargs: other keyword arguments, see :class:`arq.utils.RedisMixin` for all available options """ self._burst_mode = burst self.shadows = shadows or self.shadows self.queues: Optional[List[str]] = queues self.timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds or self.timeout_seconds self._shadow_lookup: Dict[str, Actor] = {} self.start: Optional[float] = None self.last_health_check = 0 self._last_health_check_log = None self._closed = False self.drain: Optional[Drain] = None self.job_class: Optional[Type[Job]] = None super().__init__(**kwargs) self._add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, self.handle_sig) self._add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, self.handle_sig) self._add_signal_handler(SIG_PROXY, self.handle_proxy_signal) self._shutdown_lock = asyncio.Lock(loop=self.loop)
[docs] async def shadow_factory(self) -> list: """ Initialise list of shadows and return them. Override to customise the way shadows are initialised. """ if self.shadows is None: raise TypeError('shadows not defined on worker') kwargs = await self.shadow_kwargs() shadows = [s(**kwargs) for s in self.shadows] await asyncio.gather(*[s.startup() for s in shadows], loop=self.loop) return shadows
[docs] async def shadow_kwargs(self): """ Prepare the keyword arguments for initialising all shadows. Override to customise the kwargs used to initialise shadows. """ return dict( redis_settings=self.redis_settings, worker=self, loop=self.loop, existing_redis=await self.get_redis(), )
[docs] @classmethod def logging_config(cls, verbose) -> dict: """ Override to customise the logging setup for the arq worker. By default just uses :func:`arq.logs.default_log_config`. :param verbose: verbose flag from cli, by default log level is INFO if false and DEBUG if true :return: dict suitable for ``logging.config.dictConfig`` """ return default_log_config(verbose)
@property def shadow_names(self): return ', '.join(self._shadow_lookup.keys()) def get_redis_queues(self): q_lookup = {} for s in self._shadow_lookup.values(): q_lookup.update(s.queue_lookup) try: queues = [(q_lookup[q], q) for q in self.queues] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f'queue not found in queue lookups from shadows, ' f'queues: {self.queues}, combined shadow queue lookups: {q_lookup}') from e return [r for r, q in queues], dict(queues) def run_until_complete(self, log_redis_version=False): self.loop.run_until_complete(
[docs] async def run(self, log_redis_version=False): """ Main entry point for the the worker which initialises shadows, checks they look ok then runs ``work`` to perform jobs. """ if log_redis_version: await self.log_redis_info( self._stopped = False'Initialising work manager, burst mode: %s, creating shadows...', self._burst_mode) with timeout(self._shadow_factory_timeout): shadows = await self.shadow_factory() assert isinstance(shadows, list), 'shadow_factory should return a list not %s' % type(shadows) self.job_class = shadows[0].job_class work_logger.debug('Using first shadows job class "%s"', self.job_class.__name__) for shadow in shadows[1:]: if shadow.job_class != self.job_class: raise TypeError(f"shadows don't match: {shadow} has a different job class to the first shadow, " f"{shadow.job_class} != {self.job_class}") if not self.queues: self.queues = shadows[0].queues for shadow in shadows[1:]: if shadow.queues != self.queues: raise TypeError(f'{shadow} has a different list of queues to the first shadow: ' f'{shadow.queues} != {self.queues}') self._shadow_lookup = { w for w in shadows}'Running worker with %s shadow%s listening to %d queues', len(self._shadow_lookup), '' if len(self._shadow_lookup) == 1 else 's', len(self.queues))'shadows: %s | queues: %s', self.shadow_names, ', '.join(self.queues)) self.drain = self.drain_class( redis=await self.get_redis(), max_concurrent_tasks=self.max_concurrent_tasks, shutdown_delay=self.shutdown_delay - 1, timeout_seconds=self.timeout_seconds, burst_mode=self._burst_mode, ) self.start = timestamp() try: await finally: t = (timestamp() - self.start) if self.start else 0'shutting down worker after %0.3fs ◆ %d jobs done ◆ %d failed ◆ %d timed out', t, self.jobs_complete, self.jobs_failed, self.jobs_timed_out) if not self.reusable: await self.close() if self.drain.task_exception: work_logger.error('Found task exception "%s"', self.drain.task_exception) raise self.drain.task_exception
[docs] async def work(self): """ Pop job definitions from the lists associated with the queues and perform the jobs. Also regularly runs ``record_health``. """ redis_queues, queue_lookup = self.get_redis_queues() original_redis_queues = list(redis_queues) async with self.drain: await self.heart_beat(original_redis_queues, queue_lookup) async for raw_queue, raw_data in self.drain.iter(*redis_queues): if raw_queue is not None: job = self.job_class.decode(raw_data, queue_name=queue_lookup[raw_queue], raw_queue=raw_queue) shadow = self._shadow_lookup.get(job.class_name) re_enqueue = shadow and getattr(shadow, 're_enqueue_jobs', False) work_logger.debug('scheduling job %r, re-enqueue: %r', job, re_enqueue) self.drain.add(self.run_job, job, re_enqueue) await self.heart_beat(original_redis_queues, queue_lookup)
async def heart_beat(self, redis_queues, queue_lookup): await self.record_health(redis_queues, queue_lookup) for shadow in self._shadow_lookup.values(): await shadow.run_cron() async def record_health(self, redis_queues, queue_lookup): now_ts = timestamp() if (now_ts - self.last_health_check) < self.health_check_interval: return self.last_health_check = now_ts pending_tasks = sum(not t.done() for t in self.drain.pending_tasks) info = ( f'{ %H:%M:%S} j_complete={self.jobs_complete} j_failed={self.jobs_failed} ' f'j_timedout={self.jobs_timed_out} j_ongoing={pending_tasks}' ) for redis_queue in redis_queues: info += ' q_{}={}'.format(queue_lookup[redis_queue], await self.drain.redis.llen(redis_queue)) await self.drain.redis.setex(self.health_check_key, self.health_check_interval + 1, info.encode()) log_suffix = info[info.index('j_complete='):] if self.repeat_health_check_logs or log_suffix != self._last_health_check_log:'recording health: %s', info) self._last_health_check_log = log_suffix async def _check_health(self): r = 1 redis = await self.get_redis() data = await redis.get(self.health_check_key) if not data: work_logger.warning('Health check failed: no health check sentinel value found') else:'Health check successful: %s', data.decode()) r = 0 # only need to close redis not deal with queues etc., hence super close await super().close() return r
[docs] @classmethod def check_health(cls, **kwargs): """ Run a health check on the worker return the appropriate exit code. :return: 0 if successful, 1 if not """ self = cls(**kwargs) return self.loop.run_until_complete(self._check_health())
async def run_job(self, j: Job): try: shadow = self._shadow_lookup[j.class_name] except KeyError: return self.handle_prepare_exc(f'Job Error: unable to find shadow for {j!r}') try: func = getattr(shadow, j.func_name) except AttributeError: return self.handle_prepare_exc(f'Job Error: shadow class "{}" has no function "{j.func_name}"') try: func = except AttributeError: # allow for cases where enqueue_job is called manually pass started_at = timestamp() self.log_job_start(started_at, j) try: result = await func(*j.args, **j.kwargs) except StopJob as e: self.handle_stop_job(started_at, e, j) return 0 except BaseException as e: self.handle_execute_exc(started_at, e, j) return 1 else: self.log_job_result(started_at, result, j) return 0 def log_job_start(self, started_at: float, j: Job): if jobs_logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): job_str = j.to_string(self.log_curtail)'%-4s queued%7.3fs → %s', j.queue, started_at - j.queued_at, job_str) def log_job_result(self, started_at: float, result, j: Job): if not jobs_logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): return job_time = timestamp() - started_at sr = '' if result is None else truncate(repr(result), self.log_curtail)'%-4s ran in%7.3fs ← %s%s', j.queue, job_time, j.short_ref(), sr) def handle_prepare_exc(self, msg: str): self.drain.jobs_failed += 1 # type: ignore jobs_logger.error(msg) # exit with zero so we don't increment jobs_failed twice return 0 @classmethod def handle_stop_job(cls, started_at: float, exc: StopJob, j: Job): if exc.warning: msg, logger = '%-4s ran in%7.3fs ■ %s ● Stopped Warning %s', jobs_logger.warning else: msg, logger = '%-4s ran in%7.3fs ■ %s ● Stopped %s', logger(msg, j.queue, timestamp() - started_at, j.short_ref(), exc) @classmethod def handle_execute_exc(cls, started_at: float, exc: BaseException, j: Job): exc_type = exc.__class__.__name__ jobs_logger.exception('%-4s ran in%7.3fs ! %s: %s', j.queue, timestamp() - started_at, j, exc_type)
[docs] async def close(self): if not self._closed: if self._shadow_lookup: await asyncio.gather(*[s.close(True) for s in self._shadow_lookup.values()], loop=self.loop) await super().close() self._closed = True
def handle_proxy_signal(self, signum): self.running = False'pid=%d, got signal proxied from main process, stopping...', os.getpid()) self._set_force_handler() def handle_sig(self, signum): self.running = False'pid=%d, got signal: %s, stopping...', os.getpid(), Signals(signum).name) signal.signal(SIG_PROXY, signal.SIG_IGN) self._set_force_handler() def handle_sig_force(self, signum, frame): work_logger.warning('pid=%d, got signal: %s again, forcing exit', os.getpid(), Signals(signum).name) raise ImmediateExit('force exit') def _set_force_handler(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.handle_sig_force) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.handle_sig_force) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_sig_force) signal.alarm(self.shutdown_delay) def _add_signal_handler(self, signal, handler): self.loop.add_signal_handler(signal, partial(handler, signal)) jobs_complete = property(lambda self: self.drain.jobs_complete) jobs_failed = property(lambda self: self.drain.jobs_failed) jobs_timed_out = property(lambda self: self.drain.jobs_timed_out) @property def running(self): return self.drain and self.drain.running @running.setter def running(self, v): if self.drain: self.drain.running = v
[docs]def import_string(file_path, attr_name): """ Import attribute/class from from a python module. Raise ``ImportError`` if the import failed. Approximately stolen from django. :param file_path: path to python module :param attr_name: attribute to get from module :return: attribute """ module_path = file_path.replace('.py', '').replace('/', '.') p = os.getcwd() sys.path = [p] + sys.path module = import_module(module_path) reload(module) try: attr = getattr(module, attr_name) except AttributeError as e: raise ImportError('Module "%s" does not define a "%s" attribute/class' % (module_path, attr_name)) from e return attr
def start_worker(worker_path: str, worker_class: str, burst: bool, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop=None): """ Run from within the subprocess to load the worker class and execute jobs. :param worker_path: full path to the python file containing the worker definition :param worker_class: name of the worker class to be loaded and used :param burst: whether or not to run in burst mode :param loop: asyncio loop use to or None """ worker_cls = import_string(worker_path, worker_class)'Starting "%s" on pid=%d', worker_cls.__name__, os.getpid()) worker = worker_cls(burst=burst, loop=loop) try: worker.run_until_complete(log_redis_version=True) except BaseException as e: work_logger.exception('Worker exiting after an unhandled error: %s', e.__class__.__name__) # could raise here instead of sys.exit but that causes the traceback to be printed twice, # if it's needed "raise_exc" would need to be added a new argument to the function sys.exit(1) finally: worker.loop.run_until_complete(worker.close())
[docs]class RunWorkerProcess: """ Responsible for starting a process to run the worker, monitoring it and possibly killing it. """ def __init__(self, worker_path, worker_class, burst=False): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.handle_sig) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.handle_sig) self.process = None self.run_worker(worker_path, worker_class, burst) def run_worker(self, worker_path, worker_class, burst): name = 'WorkProcess''starting work process "%s"', name) self.process = Process(target=start_worker, args=(worker_path, worker_class, burst), name=name) self.process.start() self.process.join() if self.process.exitcode == 0:'worker process exited ok') return ctrl_logger.critical('worker process %s exited badly with exit code %s',, self.process.exitcode) sys.exit(3) # could restart worker here, but better to leave it up to the real manager eg. docker restart: always def handle_sig(self, signum, frame): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.handle_sig_force) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.handle_sig_force)'got signal: %s, waiting for worker pid=%s to finish...', Signals(signum).name, self.process and # sleep to make sure worker.handle_sig above has executed if it's going to and detached handle_proxy_signal time.sleep(0.01) if self.process and self.process.is_alive(): ctrl_logger.debug("sending custom shutdown signal to worker in case it didn't receive the signal") os.kill(, SIG_PROXY) def handle_sig_force(self, signum, frame): ctrl_logger.warning('got signal: %s again, forcing exit', Signals(signum).name) if self.process and self.process.is_alive(): ctrl_logger.error('sending worker %d SIGTERM', os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM) raise ImmediateExit('force exit')